LILA is a non-profit organization, under French law 1901, declared and funded in 2005.
We promote Arts and Artists, as well as access to technics and knowledge for everyone.
The association has its headquarters at 7 bis, rue Saint Hilaire
in Poitiers. If you like what we do, do not hesitate to send
postcards or other nice mail! 🤗
FOSDEM is one of the biggest international event for Free Software
and we will be there next weekend, from Saturday 1st to
Sunday 2nd of February 2025.
You may remember our latest talks at
*Libre Graphics Meeting* last year,
which is an event dedicated to Free Software for graphics only. FOSDEM is
much bigger: its webpage announces it receives over 8000 people in 2
In any case, we'll be there, again with other members from GIMP team,
and again, we'll have a talk on GIMP followed by a screening with live
music with our friends from AMMD!
Members of LILA, Aryeom and Jehan, will be there and will present 2 talks on the
row on Sunday morning:
Together with the rest of the GIMP team, with their
hats of software maintainer (Jehan) and software designer and artist (Aryeom),
we will present the future of GIMP, whose version 3 is just around the corner!
Though the project is not completely over, it will be a second complete showing
of our short (a little below 10 minutes), "ZeMarmot"
Not only this, but this screening will be accompanied by live music, with 3
musicians from our friend music collective, AMMD, who
work with us on this movie. ORL in particular, the film score composer, will
be present.
For this second talk, FOSDEM organizers honoured us by promoting it as a keynote! 😊
Université libre de Bruxelles
Campus du Solbosch
Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt 50
1050 Bruxelles
Dates of FOSDEM: From February 1 to 2, 2025, doors opening at 9AM, then all day long!
Dates and time of the GIMP talk: Sunday, February 2, 2025 from 2PM to 3PM (by the GIMP team)
Dates and time of ZeMarmot showing with music, followed by talk and questions: Sunday, February 2, 2025 from 3PM to 4PM (by Aryeom, film director, ORL, composer, Jehan, developer, Pelin (flutes) and Adrien (bass guitar))
The Libre Graphics Meeting (LGM) is the biggest meeting gathering graphics
Free Software across the world. Born in
2006 from a proposition by the team of
the Free Software GIMP the event went on every year
(thanks to the support of various major projects, such as GIMP,
Blender, Inkscape,
Scribus)… until 2019, because of a pandemy which
everybody knows about!
And so, after 2 years where the event went online, then 2 years without LGM at
all, it is finally back, this time in France, Rennes, from Thursday, May 9
(French holiday) to Saturday, May 11, 2024!
Members of LILA, Aryeom and Jehan, will be there and will present 2 talks on the
Together with the rest of the GIMP team, with their
hats of software maintainer (Jehan) and software designer and artist (Aryeom),
we will present the future of GIMP, whose version 3 is getting very close!
Though the project is not completely over, it will be a first complete showing
of our short (a little below 10 minutes), "ZeMarmot"
Not only this, but this screening will be supported by live music, with 3
musicians from our friend music collective, AMMD, who
work with us on this movie. ORL in particular, the film score composer, will
be present.
4A rue du Bignon
35000 Rennes
Dates of Libre Graphics Meeting: From May 9 to 11, 2024, doors opening at 9AM, then all day long!
Dates and time of the GIMP talk: Saturday, May 11, 2024 from 2PM to 3PM (by the GIMP team)
Dates and time of ZeMarmot showing with music, followed by talk and questions: Saturday, May 11, 2024 from 3PM to 4PM (by Aryeom, film director, ORL, composer, Jehan, developer, Pelin (flutes) and Adrien (bass guitar))
On Friday 4 November 2022, from 6PM to 8PM, Aryeom, animation film director
(among others "ZeMarmot"), and Jehan, main developer and maintainer of GNU
Image Manipulation Program (GIMP), will host a conference at the Jules Verne
Library in Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy.
The event is organized by the Collective Factory of the Libre Culture (FCCL), a
public service of the city, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy.
Poster for the talk "GIMP et ZeMarmot" of 4 November 2022 in Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy
They will talk about the Free Software GIMP, its fully community-based
organization, the place of "ZeMarmot" project, animation film produced by
LILA and itself under an Open/Libre license, within GIMP development, but also
as a project on its own.
Various topics can be raised: from Libre Art to Community, Free Software,
through copyright or funding questions… all this on the basis on an actual
running project.
Gmicky and ZeMarmot supporting together the G'MIC project!
(image by Aryeom, CC by-sa 4.0 license)
This campaign is still going on to this day. Between March 2019 and
December 2020, 4500€ have been donated and transfered for G'MIC
development. For more details, read this first funding report which
G'MIC published today.
G'MIC is a full-featured open-source framework for image processing, distributed under the CeCILL free software licenses (LGPL-like and/or GPL-compatible).
G'MIC is mostly developed by David Tschumperlé and Sébastien Fourey in the IMAGE team of the GREYC laboratory (French Research Lab, affiliated to the CNRS, the University of Caen, and the engineering school ENSICAEN). Both are enthusiastic researchers, committed to open science and free software, trying to make regular contributions to the field of image processing in addition to developing this software in their spare time. G'MIC provides a popular plug-in for GIMP, Krita and Paint.NET, as well as a command-line tool, containing hundreds of image filters and effects to help artists and scientists around the world transform or improve their images.
Unfortunately their lab does not accept direct donation. Since a Libre
framework for image processing is absolutely within the boundaries of
LILA's objectives, we accepted to act as an umbrella organization to
collect donations for G'MIC.
The money collected will be periodically paid to the IMAGE team, to be
used for the development of G'MIC.