LILA is a non-profit organization, under French law 1901, declared and funded in 2005.
We promote Arts and Artists, as well as access to technics and knowledge for everyone.
The association has its headquarters at 7 bis, rue Saint Hilaire
in Poitiers. If you like what we do, do not hesitate to send
postcards or other nice mail! 🤗
Same as last year, LILA is participating to the digital festival of Paris libraries with 3 workshops of pixilation animation and a round table (featuring ZeMarmot team and writers published by Framasoft association) about Libre Art and commons.
Details are available on the French version of this post:
LILA is participating this year to the digital festival of Paris libraries with 2 workshops of pixilation animation and 2 conferences about "ZeMarmot in 3 different libraries and a city hall.
Details are available on the French version of this post:
Note: this news is about a workshop series which will be done mostly in
France. This may not be of much interest to read if you are not there!
If you are interested, please read the French news with all the details
(and if you can't read French, unfortunately you are not the event's target.
But don't worry, we will also have other more international events soon!).
Note: this news is about a workshop series which will be done mostly in
France. This may not be of much interest to read if you are not there!
You remember the Libre Sticker Album project? Well it's back. If you are interested,
please read the French news with all the details (and if you can't read
French, unfortunately you are not the event's target. But don't worry, we
will also have other more international events soon!).