ZeMarmot Project Announcement
If you follow us on social networks (Twitter, Google Plus or Facebook), you may have read the news: We are working currently with the animation artist Aryeom Han on a 2D animation project, entirely made with Free Software.
This movie is based off an original idea from Jehan, who had started — years ago — to doodle a small marmot who liked to sleep and nap everywhere. He started to make it into a webcomic with the help of Aryeom. It has been quicly decided to make it a short movie instead.

A marmot lives quietly in the Alps mountains. Its main activities? Sleeping, eating, sleeping again. When a migratory bird comes and sings about the increbible world above the mountains, the adventurous rodent leaves on an impromptu trip around the world. Will he ever come back? Will he even want it?
Want to know more?
The production blog will be at Studio Girin, and you can already have a look at some posts on the topic: announcement and some concept art of the burrow.
We will only announce on LILA's website important stages.
So where are we?
Today we — LILA in collaboration with the 2 authors — just filed a request of funding for the scenario writing with the Île de France region (Paris and its suburbs). It would help us go further on the project, and as a bonus it would fund partly some workshops. We planned a series of workshops to introduce people to Cinema and Audiovisual movie creation with Free Software. We'd be able to lead these workshops and invite interesting people on the topic. So this is doubly motivating for us to get this funding!
Well we won't be until mid-April, and as we all know, let's not get ahead of oneself. But we still wanted to announce this. We'll keep you up to date!
P.S.: by the way, we just added a RSS feed on the website! If anyone here is allergic to social networks — and I get you! — but still want to be kept updated easily, now you have no excuse anymore not to follow us through our RSS feed!